Legislative action

Congress has now passed four legislative packages to address the negative effects of the coronavirus. Details about provisions secured within each package are available throughout my website, and one-pagers on each bill are linked below.

Coronavirus Preparedness And Response Supplemental Appropriations Act (H.R.6074):

The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act was the first effort to address the spread of the coronavirus. The $8.3 billion funding package that appropriated funds to develop and research a vaccine for COVID-19, fund public health programs, assist in procuring necessary resources and supplies, and provide much-needed relief to affected small businesses in the form of low-interested loans.

O'Halleran's wins for AZ-01 in H.R.6074, HERE.

An explainer of the legislation, HERE

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R.6201):

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the second phase in the congressional response to the spread of the coronavirus appropriated billions in supplemental funding to ensure free testing for COVID-19, extended paid sick leave for families affected, expanded nutrition assistance, and additional protections for first responders and public health workers on the front lines of the crisis.

O'Halleran's wins for AZ-01 in H.R.6201, HERE.

An explainer of the legislation, HERE

More information available on the Department of Labor's website, HERE.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (H.R.748):

The CARES Act is the largest package passed thus far. The bill encompasses $2 trillion in supplemental funding for hospitals and health care facilities, nutrition assistance, unemployment, small business loans, and dedicated tribal funding, and sends direct payments to eligible Americans.

O'Halleran's wins for AZ-01 in H.R.748, HERE.

An explainer of the legislation, HERE

A comprehensive FAQ fact sheet on the CARES Act, HERE

Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266):

This emergency, interim legislation provides new aid to the American people in the form of funding for hospitals and health care workers, expands testing operations, and establishes a national strategic testing plan, outlining guidance for states. The bill infuses new funding into the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans, programs under the CARES Act that had already run out of funding.

O'Halleran's wins for AZ-01 in H.R. 266, HERE.

Heroes Act (H.R. 6800):

The Heroes Act would provide much-needed funding for testing, tracing, treatment operations, small businesses, state, local, and tribal governments and broadband programs. This bill was passed in the House of Representatives on May 15th, but has not been voted on in the Senate.

More information about the legislation can be found HERE.

Additional fact sheets:

Links to fact sheets on each bill, prepared by various House and Senate Committees of jurisdiction can be found, HERE

FAQ document from Financial Services, HERE