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Congressional Issues

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More on Congressional Issues

Nov 20, 2020 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12), co-founder and co-chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, is urging passage of her bill, the Kira Johnson Act, before Congress goes home for the year. H.R. 6144, the Kira Johnson Act, gained 13 additional Cosponsors. 

Nov 20, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In August of 2o2o, Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (NC-12), Vice Chair of the House’s Committee on Agriculture, introduced the Local and Regional Farmer and Market Support Act (Local Farmer Act) to help save the farmers, farms, and families hardest hit by COVID-19. The Local Farmer Act would address concerns about these farmers by targeting aid directly to local and regional food producers and markets as they cope with the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Nov 19, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) addressed the United States House of Representatives in support of the National Apprenticeship Reauthorization Act of 2020. Adams is a cosponsor of the bill, which includes her amendment, the Apprenticeship Access for All Act of 2020.

Video of the remarks is available here.

Nov 17, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12), the co-founder and co-chair of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, addressed the crisis posed by COVID-19 for pregnant women and communities of color on the floor of the United States House of Representatives.

Video of the remarks is available here.

Nov 6, 2020 Press Release

Washington, D.C. Congresswomen Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (NC-12) andLauren Underwood (IL-14), the co-founders and co-chairs of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, urge the Department of Labor (DOL) to promote the nursing protections outlined in section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) for women in the workplace during COVID-19. 

Nov 2, 2020 Press Release

CHARLOTTE – Today, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) responded to breaking news about ballot delays in North Carolina first reported by John Kruzel of The Hill.

Oct 31, 2020 Press Release

CHARLOTTE – Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) had a busy October representing Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Here are the highlights:


·         Adams fought for economic relief for Charlotte's struggling airline workers.

Oct 29, 2020 Press Release

Cambridge, MA – Today, the Harvard Law School Journal on Legislation published a scholarly article by Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12). The article details steps Congress can take to reform and improve the US Postal Service in the 117th Congress.

Oct 27, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) and Representatives David Price (NC-04) and G. K. Butterfield (NC-01) sent a letter to Facebook regarding recent reports that the company is allowing political groups, including Super PACs, to purchase paid political ads that spread misinformation among North Carolina voters, often in violation of Facebook’s own policies. In the letter, Reps.

Oct 26, 2020 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. (NC-12) released the following statement on the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court.

“The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court is a disaster for women, people of color, people living with preexisting conditions, and the LGBTQ community to name a few,” said Congresswoman Adams. “Many of the groups that have been hit hardest by COVID-19 will suffer even more as Barrett's opinions become law.”