Press Releases

October 16, 2020 Press Release

In 2018 the largest number of new Members of Congress were elected since the 1970's, with 111 newly elected taking the oath of office. Out of 111 Freshmen elected to the 116th Congress, Congressman San Nicolas is among only 15 Members who passed a Bill onto law so far this term.

October 12, 2020 Press Release

Within 24 hours after the Administration initially announcing an end to negotiations, they re-initiated with lowered price targets to counter the legislation recently passed by the House known as "Heroes 2.0."

September 19, 2020 Press Release

"We have lost icons, pioneers, and real life heroes in this past year, and the passage of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a loss of a giant in our justice system, an embodiment of American courage, and a call to action for those of us who have taken the mortality of our heroes for granted," states Congressman San Nicolas.

September 12, 2020 Press Release

In the final tranche of HUD funding via the CARES Act, Guam has received an additional $1.7MM, bringing total HUD CARES Act funding for Guam to $7.9MM.

September 11, 2020 Press Release

For Immediate Release

Governor, Congressman advocate for Guam in the Financial Services Committee

September 10, 2020 Press Release

On September 10, 12pm EST (Sept 11, 2am CHST) Guam will have a coveted seat at the table with just three other States, New Mexico, Kansas, and Minnesotta, with their respective Governors addressing the Financial Services Committee on:

September 4, 2020 Press Release

As we enter the last month of the 3rd quarter of 2020, the Office of Congressman San Nicolas wished to provide an update on federal War Claims payments.

August 19, 2020 Press Release

As the Guam Legislature deliberates the FY 2021 budget, seeks answers on CARES Act encumbrances, and weighs the use of remaining CARES Act resources, Congressman San Nicolas reminds them that funds are available for essential workers and rental assistance, and also offers guidance on how to pursue the unemployment funds available in the President's Executive Order.

August 15, 2020 Press Release

Today Congressman San Nicolas introduced H.R. 8029, seeking a National Heritage Area (NHA) study for Guam. Such a study, conducted by the National Park Service, will identify areas on Guam that are eligible for NHA designation. Such designation provides federal expertise and funding ranging from $250 thousand to $1 million per year, while keeping the area locally owned and operated.

August 11, 2020 Press Release

H.R. 7986 entitled the Native Chamorro Equity Act was introduced in the 116th Congress by Congressman Michael San Nicolas to create a means to identify qualified Native Chamorro companies as 8(a) firms eligible for federal set-aside, sole-source, and general contracts.
