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Committees and Caucuses

Congressman Courtney is a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee. He is the Chairman of the Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee, which has a broad oversight portfolio including Navy and Marine Corps acquisition programs and accounts related to shipbuilding and conversion, reconnaissance and surveillance, tanker, and airlift aircraft, ship and submarine-launched weapons, ammunition, and other procurements; Air Force programs and accounts related to bomber, tanker, and airlift aircraft; Army programs and accounts related to waterborne vessels; and Maritime policy and programs and accounts under the jurisdiction of the Committee as delineated in paragraphs 5 and 9 of clause 1(c) of rule X of the Rules of the House of Representatives. On this panel, Congressman Courtney has focused on the need for increased submarine production, resulting in job creation at Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut.

Congressman Courtney is also a senior member on the House Education and Workforce Committee. He serves on the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions subcommittee and the Higher Education and Workforce Training subcommittee. As a strong believer in the importance of higher education for the future of our workforce, Congressman Courtney works to lower the financial barriers to college education and job training for our nation's students.

Congressman Courtney also co-chairs two important bi-partisan caucuses. Along with Representative Wittman from Virginia, he co-chairs the Congressional Shipbuilding Caucus to advocate for the important job-creating policies that increase our national security. He also co-chairs the Primary Care Caucus with Representative Rouzer from North Carolina in order to brainstorm and investigate policies that can solve the shortage of primary care providers in our country, and ensure that all Americans have access to healthcare that is continuous, comprehensive, and equitable.