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Gun Safety

Gun owners know the importance of keeping the safety on. With mass shootings increasing in frequency and lethality, we need policies that prevent gun violence, not enable it. I have long supported banning military-style assault weapons, eliminating gun sale loopholes, and requiring a universal background check. While Americans overwhelmingly support these smart reforms, Republicans continue to block any progress, even to limit those on the terror watch list from gaining access to such weapons. Quite simply, too dangerous to fly should also mean too dangerous to buy guns, even as we assure reasonable due process rights for those who may be improperly listed as dangerous.

I remain as committed to ending gun violence and enacting smart gun safety measures as when I joined with my Democratic colleagues and the families of gun victims for National Speak Out Against Gun Violence in Washington, and  participated in the House floor sit-in led by my distinguished colleague and civil rights pioneer, U.S. Representative John Lewis.  You can view my speeches from the sit-in here and here. I have also organized anti-violence and gun safety rallies in San Antonio and Austin. 

Working with local organizations like Moms Demand Action, Texas Gun Sense and the P.E.A.C.E. Initiative, and concerned colleagues, I will continue to work to make our communities safer and keep the issue of preventing gun violence on our national agenda.