
A THIRD vaccine candidate has gone through Phase 3 trials, showing a 90% effectiveness! The AstraZeneca vaccine shows great potential because, if approved, it doesn't require strict temperature controls for storage!

This is GREAT news! But we aren't out of the woods yet. I encourage everyone to be smart, be cautious, and avoid unnecessary exposure during this Thanksgiving holiday.

Congratulations to Rep. Dan Newhouse for being elected Chair of the Western Caucus!Thank you to Rep. Paul Gosar for 4 years of service and dedication to issues like private property, water rights, and a common sense energy policy. These issues are important to all Americans!

The Crisis on the Southern Border
🚨🚨🚨 April Jobs Numbers Out 🚨🚨🚨 🔘 263,000 new jobs, crushing expert expectations 🔘 3.6% Unemployment rate 🔘 Increase in average wages The economy is roaring. Tax cuts and regulatory reform are unleashing the optimism and entrepreneurial spirit of the American people, creating more opportunities for all Americans.
In my short time in Congress, I never expected to witness a historically shameful event like today. This entire impeachment process has uncovered zero evidence of wrongdoing and is based on nothing but second-hand recollections, conjecture, presumptions, and assumptions. At no point have House Democrats allowed a fair process, from Adam Schiff’s dishonesty about contact with the so-called whistleblower, to the shifting allegations Democrats have used based on focus groups. These articles of impeachment have not just lowered the bar, they’ve eliminated it. With no factual evidence, they’re setting a dangerous precedent pushing forward with vague and ultimately meaningless charges. House Democrats have trivialized the impeachment process over a political vendetta they have pursued since before President Trump was sworn in. This is a dark day for our nation.