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Press Releases

November 5, 2020 Press Release
The North Carolina Zoo has faced many challenges amidst this pandemic, but these leaders have remarkably stepped up to the challenge and provided outstanding care to the animals who call this facility home. I am proud to honor these individuals as community heroes for their selfless acts of service and diligence in the face of adversity.
October 26, 2020 Press Release
Tonight’s confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett by the U.S. Senate cements a Supreme Court justice who will respect the rule of law and not legislate from the bench – ideals that will empower Americans to have a voice in their government, rather than ceding it to the unelected.
October 5, 2020 Press Release
I am proud to see Greensboro has received much-needed support to tackle critical broadband issues facing our community and its students -- many of whom are learning virtually this year. As we continue to get through this pandemic together, expanding broadband access to low-income areas is a fundamental step to ensuring all North Carolinians have the resources needed to firmly take our state into the 2020’s and beyond.
October 1, 2020 Press Release
From packing the Supreme Court to passing the disastrous Green New Deal, it’s no secret Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and their Washington elites will do anything to reshape the political future of our nation – no matter the cost. Democrats’ blatant attempts to strategically manipulate and mold dark blue strongholds in their quest to achieve a Senate majority treats Americans as pawns in their pathetic chess game. There is a cap on the number of members in the House and the Senate should have the same to avoid political abuse and hostage-taking of our standards and norms.
September 28, 2020 Press Release
Brittany goes out of her way to provide our veterans, senior citizens and caregivers with the respect and compassion they deserve as they make vital decisions regarding their futures. With community heroes like Brittany, our most vulnerable North Carolinians are in good hands.
September 23, 2020 Press Release
It has become clear which candidate is willing to meet North Carolinians where they stand. President Trump rises to that moment. Joe Biden has failed to show up until it was too late.
September 21, 2020 Press Release
Not only would current legislative proposals in Congress advocating on behalf of Catawba gambling interests in the Charlotte area play favorites at the expense of our state’s recognized Cherokee tribe, but the presence of an additional casino would have consequential economic impacts for many western North Carolinians who call our state home. I encourage supporters of these efforts to realign behind the already-bipartisan opposition and stand firm in prioritizing North Carolinians and the tribes that call our state home. Picking winners from other states is a bad bet.
September 18, 2020 Press Release
Thanks to Republican leadership, America has newfound strength, fortitude, and accountability towards rogue, terroristic regimes such as Iran after years of ‘leading from behind’ under the Obama-Biden administration. Recent attempts by Indonesia and Niger to obstruct and block these efforts on the UN Security Council are deeply troubling and warrant a discussion on whether America should be sending assistance checks to nations that undermine our interests and take actions supportive of the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
September 10, 2020 Press Release
Barring parents from an empty 51,000-seat stadium because of North Carolina’s 50-person outdoor mass gathering restriction is illogical, ridiculous, and a gross mismanagement of policies supposedly put in place for our state’s safety. UNC and Governor Cooper need to fix this and amend any restrictions to allow mothers and fathers to support their children.
August 31, 2020 Press Release
Walker Honors Greensboro's Katie Gerow Jones as August Community Hero of the Month
In the midst of her grief and pain, Katie thought of a very tangible way to honor her daughter, June, by supporting other women in similar circumstances. Her generosity and courage are an inspiration to us all.
