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February 5, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R-N.C.) today released the following statement after legislation he cosponsored – H.R. 4305, the Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers (PAWS) for Veterans Therapy Act – passed the U.S. House of Representatives:

January 17, 2020 Press Release
The bravery of these two men and our World War II veterans not only kept Americans safe but was also crucial in protecting and liberating our European allies from grave injustices. Because of their relentless valor, American and French lives were saved and Europe was set back on the path to freedom.
January 2, 2020 Press Release
“We are overwhelmingly impressed by this group of extraordinary young men and women who will continue to demonstrate impeccable character, scholarship and leadership as they represent our community and our state. Their fervor to sacrifice and join the call to service at such a young age is an inspiration to us all. Each of these students have our full support as they seek acceptance to a U.S. Service Academy."
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“We are thankful for the passage of the Department of Veterans Affairs Contracting Preference Consistency Act. The bi-partisan legislation keeps North Carolinians employed, restores VA contracts for IFB Solutions and National Industries for the Blind and protects jobs for people who are blind and veterans employed by AbilityOne agencies. This summer, we saw firsthand at Industries of the Blind Greensboro just how valuable these partnerships are. We are grateful that they will continue.”
September 26, 2019 Press Release
Earlier this week, I said impeachment was the House Democrats only agenda. I was mistaken. They just passed legislation that will give illegal immigrants better health care records than our veterans and servicemembers. More and more they are making their priorities clear and it’s absolutely shameful.
September 17, 2019 Press Release
North Carolina, the nation’s most-military friendly state, knows well that our most important national security asset are the men and women who defend our freedom. I look forward to working on the NDAA conference to ensure that the final legislation upholds our commitments to our service members and their families, while fully equipping our military to complete their missions and advance our interests abroad.
June 20, 2019 Press Release
The Bladensburg Peace Cross is a sacred symbol of sacrifice, love and honor, built by Americans who chose to pay tribute to the brave World War I heroes of their community. As an amicus curiae of this case, I am thankful the Supreme Court has overturned the faulty ruling of the Fourth Circuit, protected religious liberty, and allowed the cross to remain as tribute to the 49 American names it holds, each who laid down their life for our freedom. At a time when seemingly so few understand the realities of war and the cost of our freedom and prosperity, we should be doing more to honor the bravery of our men and women in uniform, not tearing down the symbols of their valor.
April 30, 2019 Press Release
I am grateful for our men and women in uniform and appreciate the sacrifices they have made and continue to make every day. I believe that one of the ways we make North Carolina, and our great country its best, is by helping those who sacrificed so much for us.
April 24, 2019 Page

The Veterans History Project (VHP) collects, preserves and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.

April 5, 2019 Blog Post

Blog Post by Veteran Outreach Liaison Cory Spoor

Today is what truly makes this job incredible.

Over the past two months, I was fortunate enough to get to know World War II Veteran John Del Roso who currently resides at Heritage Greens Senior Living Facility.

He is a combat-hardened war hero who saw plenty of action in Europe, most notably at Omaha Beach and the Battle of the Bulge. I can’t even begin to fathom what he went through.