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June 29, 2020 Press Release
Federal agencies owe it to the American people to adopt parameters ensuring more transparency in the regulatory guidance process. Through this critical legislation, we can instill public trust and confidence in our institutions while achieving much needed permanent clarity at the same time.
January 15, 2020 Press Release
Speaker Pelosi assigning a political firing squad for her vindictive hit job on President Trump makes it no more legitimate. As the articles finally move from the House to the Senate, so does a new low in Washington’s toxic partisanship – impeaching a president without just cause, without bipartisan support and driven only by hysteria.
January 10, 2020 Press Release
“One political party acted alone to impeach the President of the United States, citing great urgency, despite bipartisan opposition. Now, Speaker Pelosi is acting alone to stall those articles of impeachment, despite what is– once again – bipartisan opposition. The Speaker can’t hide her disdain for President Trump, nor the shoddy work of her team on this baseless impeachment process. She needs to put the pin back in the grenade and send the articles to the Senate as is required by law.”
December 17, 2019 Press Release
“It’s an ignominious start to the Senate working group when their first meeting is with the chief apologist for an exploitative system and not with the student-athletes that are being exploited. The inequity and injustices in the current NCAA model need to end quickly. That won’t happen by ceding power to the person who has blocked progress for decades. My friend Representative Cedric Richmond and I have the only viable legislation introduced in Congress, the Student-Athlete Equity Act, to end the NCAA’s moratorium on player’s rights to their name, image, and self-worth.”
December 5, 2019 Press Release
“Unless it benefitted their fundraising or propped up their campaign issues page, the Senate Democrats running for President have ignored their day job and their constituents. Suddenly returning to Washington in pursuit of their ‘Spartacus moment’ is an embarrassment to our standards of judicial impartiality and a poor excuse for public service. Every Senate Democrat who filed for President should recuse themselves from impeachment proceedings; they have devoted themselves to replacing Donald Trump at the ballot box and are incapable of rendering an impartial verdict in an impeachment trial.”
October 21, 2019 Press Release
Americans deserve better than made up claims of collusion evidence, falsified transcripts, secret meetings with a politically-motivated whistleblower, and impeachment plots in the basement of the Capitol. House Democrats can block Adam Schiff from being censured tonight, but they can’t undue the damage he has done to our nation.
April 16, 2019 Press Release
Last Congress, we led a common-sense bipartisan proposal to implement anti-sexual harassment training and provide protections to Capitol staff. More than 100 days into the new majority, House Administration Democrats have failed in performing their obligation to implement new training curriculum for members and staff. The committee should act immediately to set the new training in place to help ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all.
March 8, 2019 Press Release
"House Democrats are attempting to force North Carolina taxpayers to pay for campaign ads for California politicians. Instead of counting ballots from the Capitol, the new House majority should be counting the number of people who will be hurt by their policies that will cost $600,000 per household and make private health insurance illegal."
January 30, 2019 Press Release
People across this country are through with Washington getting to live by a different set of rules. Using taxpayer funds to cover up your inappropriate behavior, only to evade responsibility and then enrich yourself off your time in Congress is an abuse of power, an absence of character, and a violation of trust.
January 16, 2019 Press Release
I am thrilled for the opportunity to serve on these committees and what it means for our ability to represent the people of North Carolina with diligence and principle. The security, education and workforce of Americans are all issues intimately linked to our nation’s future.