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Congressman Mo Brooks to Vote "No" on Socialist Democrats' $1.5 Trillion "Borrow & Spend" Boondoggle

June 30, 2020
Press Release

Washington, DC— Tuesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) announced he will vote “No” this week on H.R. 2, another financially reckless Socialist Democrat spending bill.

Congressman Brooks said, “Nancy Pelosi & her Socialist comrades are hellbent on destroying America. They won’t stop spending until America is bankrupt. They covet economic disaster so they can rebuild a Socialist America under the guise of providing economic relief. In this instance, Socialism comes cloaked as an infrastructure bill.”

Brooks continued, “The Socialists’ latest attempt to bankrupt America is a 2,300+ page bill, drafted behind closed doors by a select few, introduced just last week, that increases America's debt and deficits by $1.5 trillion! That's $1.5 trillion America doesn't have, has to borrow to get, and cannot afford to pay back. America's national debt blew through $23 trillion in November, $24 trillion in April, $25 trillion in May, and $26 trillion in June.”[1]

Brooks continued, “In April, the Congressional Budget Office ("CBO") estimated a fiscal year 2020 $3.7 trillion deficit — without including this $1.5 trillion monstrosity.[2]  Both the CBO and America's Comptroller General Gene Dodaro regularly describe America's financial state as 'unsustainable,' accounting language for insolvency and bankruptcy.” 

Brooks added, “Incredible as it may seem, even without this $1.5 trillion monstrosity, the federal government is on a course to spend roughly $50,000 per American household this year! Of course, that spending must first be taken from taxpayers in the form of higher taxes or greater debt. History proves you can't spend and borrow your way to prosperity. America is no exception.”

Brooks concluded, “Socialist Democrats call H.R. 2 an infrastructure bill. The fact is, the bill contains more that would impede infrastructure projects than spur them. The bill is chock full of new top-down, one size fits all Washington mandates and bureaucratic hurdles.”

H.R. 2 excesses include, but are not limited to:

  • $29.3 billion in grants and subsidies to Amtrak’s under-used intercity passenger rail service;
  • $500 million/year to pay ports to replace their cargo handling equipment;
  • Hundreds of billions for welfare and subsidies for public housing; and
  • Shifting funding from roads, streets, bridges and highways badly needed by red states like Alabama to subsidies of blue state inner-city mass transit programs."
