NY-22 Broadband Access Survey


The state of broadband in #NY22 is unacceptable. Our rural communities lack access to reliable and affordable broadband and it is hurting our economy, our small businesses, our working families, and our children. We surveyed more than 1,000 NY-22 residents about their internet access. While internet companies continue to break promises while cashing our checks, our survey results show that our district has the slowest speeds in the state. Here’s what we found: 

NY-22 State of Broadband.png



You can read our whole report by clicking HERE


If you have at-home broadband internet access:

Use your at-home internet connection to run a speedtest and see what speeds you are getting.

This speedtest is provided by Measurement-Lab, a non-profit consortium dedicated to advancing Internet research by empowering consumers with useful information about their Internet performance. Anonymous results from this speedtest will be recorded in Measurement-Lab’s open-source database for research purposes.