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November 22, 2020 Press Release

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Dear Constituent—

The coronavirus pandemic is developing very quickly, and I know many people have questions and concerns. I will try to answer some of them below.

November 21, 2020 Press Release

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Dear Constituent—

The coronavirus pandemic is developing very quickly, and I know many people have questions and concerns. I will try to answer some of them below.

November 20, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON—Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05), Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, today applauded the passage of legislation that would invest in and expand access to registered apprenticeships.

November 20, 2020 Press Release

Friday, November 20, 2020

Dear Constituent—

The coronavirus pandemic is developing very quickly, and I know many people have questions and concerns. I will try to answer some of them below.

November 19, 2020 Press Release

The votes have been counted and Michiganders resoundingly chose Joe Biden to be our next President. The President-elect won our state over 150,000 votes––14 times Donald Trump’s 2016 margin.

November 19, 2020 Press Release

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Dear Constituent—

The coronavirus pandemic is developing very quickly, and I know many people have questions and concerns. I will try to answer some of them below.

November 18, 2020 Press Release

“Today is a solemn day, as 250,000 Americans have died due to the coronavirus. Each person—a sibling, parent, grandparent or beloved family member—had their life cut tragically short by this virus.

November 18, 2020 Press Release

“Today’s report confirmed what many veterans serving at Wurtsmith feared, that during their service they were exposed to dangerous chemicals in their drinking water.

November 18, 2020 Press Release

“There will never be an amount of money that adequately recognizes the harm done to Flint families, but this settlement is an acknowledgment of the massive failures during this man-made crisis.

November 18, 2020 Press Release

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dear Constituent—

The coronavirus pandemic is developing very quickly, and I know many people have questions and concerns. I will try to answer some of them below.


In The News

October 21, 2020 In The News

Dear Friend,

Michigan’s firefighters put their lives on the line every day. Unfortunately, many firefighters have been exposed to dangerous per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals in both their firefighting gear, as well as firefighting foam. That’s why I’m fighting to remove PFAS chemicals from our environment, including from firefighting gear.

December 8, 2018 In The News

Michigan Democratic Rep. Dan Kildee has been at the forefront of pushing the federal government to help Flint recover from its drinking water crisis.

November 19, 2018 In The News

TPM first reported on per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS – an umbrella class of chemicals found in military grade firefighting foam, but also in thousands of consumer goods – in May, when reporters and congressional staffers were kept out of an EPA summit on how local, tribal and state governments were dealing with the contaminant, which accumulates in ground water.

November 17, 2018 In The News

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee played the lottery with a baggie of dirt from the old Detroit Tigers Stadium, and it paid off.

Not the real lottery, but Kildee entered the lottery for congressional office space on Friday and drew the No. 2 pick out of the 55 House members in his class.

October 19, 2018 In The News

Water is fundamental for most lifeforms, and Michigan's economy and inhabitants thrive on the fresh water that surrounds the state. 

The fifth annual Great Lakes Science in Action Symposium gathered on Oct. 19 to discuss the current state of the Great Lakes and what the future holds for the lakes. 

October 8, 2018 In The News

Years after the Flint water crisis drew national attention, another water pollution issue has emerged in House races in Michigan.

September 18, 2018 In The News

Federal agencies would be encouraged to work with state governments in cleaning up perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances under legislation introduced by a bipartisan group within the Michigan congressional delegation.

September 12, 2018 In The News

U.S. House Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint, has introduced a bill to stop the deportation of Francis Anwana, a deaf and disabled Detroit immigrant from Nigeria. 

August 2, 2018 In The News

Rep. Dan Kildee is aiming high as he eyes a leadership spot in the Democratic Caucus next year.

July 16, 2018 In The News

FLINT, MI - A group of Democratic Congressional leaders are set to tour Flint to find out more about the effects of the water crisis and try to find out what is needed as the city moves forward in its recovery process.
