I am in strong opposition to so-called “proxy voting.” I am not willing to give your vote - the voice - of hardworking people of Eastern and Southeastern Ohio to someone you did not elect. These are unusual times - I get that. But that doesn’t mean today’s Congress can’t do what Congress did during the Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic, WWI, WWII, and the days after 9/11…and that’s for each Member of Congress show up, do our work, and cast our own votes.
The improper release or unlawful access to classified information is a federal crime. Did former Vice President Biden have a legitimate “need to know” at the time he made the request to unmask Lieutenant General Flynn?
Back in Washington today to vote on the next round of support for America’s small businesses through the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). I’ve heard from some small business owners who have received funds already – and, from some who are still waiting for this lifeline. The SBA is working as fast as possible to process these applications. This vote should have occurred days ago but was held up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi for unrelated partisan reasons. Thankfully, we’re about to pass this legislation, and it will be signed into law ASAP by the President. Also, I’ve been encouraged by President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin’s commitment to track down businesses that received PPP loans when they shouldn’t have (because they were too big, did not meet the eligibility criteria, or they simply did not need the money), and demand the money be returned…or face consequences. SBA’s PPP loans are lifelines for small businesses - they are not for businesses that don’t need the money or have access to other sources of capital. This legislation also supports rural hospitals. Many of these facilities cut their elective procedures as a precaution – but it brought their revenue down to near zero. They need support if they are to survive – and we certainly cannot afford more medical facility closures. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.

Have you ever thought about why certain things happen to you in life? Sometimes they are good things, and other times they may not be so good. The one thing we know for sure is that all good things come from God…he has a design and purpose for your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

But, God gave man (you, me, and everyone else on earth) something he gave no other creatures…the mental capacity to choose. We get to choose how and where we live, who we associate with, right from wrong, and whether or not we actually believe in Him. And, sometimes, because of the choices we make, things happen to us that might not be so good. In those times, we need to look closely at what God is trying to teach us.

Philippians 4:4-7 – “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

In other words, understand that EVERY day is a day that God created, and he has allowed us to live in it. We should be content in where we are in life…our physical location, relationships, work, etc.. There is a difference between happiness and contentment. You may not like where you are in life, but you can find comfort in knowing that you are exactly where God has place you…for a season and for a reason. Pray today that God will protect you and give you the wisdom to learn the lessons he has for you during the challenging times.

God bless you and your family…and, have a very Happy Thanksgiving next week.

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With all of the challenges we've faced this year, it’s good to see that some things haven’t changed. Every year, Salem MAC Trailer in Columbiana County donates Thanksgiving dinners to families in need, partnering with local law enforcement to distribute them. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, this partnership continues to help families throughout the community this year. But, MAC Trailer isn’t alone - many other businesses give back in similar, generous ways this time of year. Thanks to all of you for displaying such generosity.