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National Security and Foreign Policy

Nothing is more important than the responsibility our nation’s leaders have to protect the national security of the American people.  It is vital that we both maintain a strong national defense as well as a robust diplomatic corps to foster critical relationships with like-minded countries to protect a rules-based international world order.

I believe that as our servicemembers honorably serve our country overseas, Congress should finally do its job in providing a clear authorization for the use of military force. Currently, the U.S. relies far too heavily on authorizations that are over 15 years old, which no longer accurately reflect the threat environments overseas. Congress has failed to provide clarity with a new authorization of force, and I will continue to support bipartisan efforts to reassert congressional input to avoid open-ended conflicts that lack clear guidelines and objectives.

The U.S. must also continue to use its diplomatic power to protect the rules-based international world order that was created by the U.S. and its allies after WWII. Accomplishing this will require the U.S. to lead an international coalition with our allies to counter the rising challenges from autocratic powers like Russia. I am concerned that recent steps taken to walk back our international commitments will damage our national security, threaten human rights throughout the world, and hamper the ability of the U.S. to influence international decisions that will ultimately affect Americans.

It is also my promise to ensure that no veteran is left behind. Our armed forces serve with honor and it is our duty to provide the best care we can offer when they come home. To read more about my work for veterans, click here.

For more information concerning work and views related to National Security and Foreign Policy, please contact our office.


More on National Security and Foreign Policy

July 1, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC—Today, Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement on the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA):

June 30, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC— Today, Rep. Ron Kind sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Gina Haspel requesting a full congressional briefing after several press reports found that Russia offered Afghan militants bounties for killing United States and coalition servicemembers in Afghanistan, and the Administration was aware of this intelligence as far back as 2019.

June 25, 2020 Press Release

La Crosse, WI—Today, Rep. Ron Kind voted in support of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which passed through the House of Representatives with bipartisan support.

June 12, 2020 Press Release

La Crosse, WI – Today, Rep. Ron Kind announced the three Wisconsin students, whom he nominated, that have accepted offers of appointment at one of the United States’ Service Academies.

April 24, 2020 Press Release

La Crosse, WI—After Rep.

March 24, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC—Today, House Committee on Ways and Means members Reps. Ron Kind, Suzan DelBene, and Terri Sewell sent a letter to United States Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Robert Lighthizer and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross urging expedited processing of tariff exclusion requests and if warranted temporary suspension of tariffs on certain goods.

January 29, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC—Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement after President Trump signing the United States Mexico Canada Agreement:

January 28, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC— In a Friday night news dump, the Administration seems to have finally admitted to what we have already known: that the tariffs aren’t working. The Trump Administration announced an increase in tariffs on derivative steel products by an additional 25 percent and derivative aluminum products by an additional 10 percent.

January 16, 2020 Press Release

Washington, DC—Rep. Ron Kind released the following statement after the Senate passed the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA):