Congressman Michael Turner

Representing the 10th District of Ohio

National Defense and Security

Our military men and women bravely risk their lives to defend the freedoms we are privileged to enjoy as Americans. 

We have a duty to ensure that our servicemen and women have the protection, the resources, and the certainty required to successfully protect our country and keep our families safe. 

Congressman Turner continues to work hard to prevent irresponsible and devastating cuts to our military that could seriously jeopardize our national security. Additionally, Congressman Turner continues to work to reverse the harmful impact of sequestration on our military. 

As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Congressman Turner has jurisdiction over critical programs essential to the defense of our country. Congressman Turner also serves as the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, a position with direct ties to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the national security of the United States.