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Rep. Kind Votes for Historic Legislation to Preserve and Protect our Natural Resources and Public Lands for Generations to Come

July 22, 2020
Press Release

Washington, DC —Today, Rep. Ron Kind voted for the Great American Outdoors Act, which passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. This legislation provides permanent, full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and establishes the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to support deferred maintenance projects.

“Growing up hiking, fishing, and spending time outdoors gave me a special perspective on the benefits of a rich environmental heritage. Some of my favorite memories center around time spent enjoying Wisconsin’s unparalleled natural beauty with my own sons and watching them grow into accomplished outdoorsmen,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “To that end, it’s critical that we continue to work to build a legacy of conservation for generations to come. I’m proud to vote for this historic legislation that will fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund, restore our national parks, and expand access to green spaces for all Americans.”

Specifically, this legislation will ensure that the LWCF receives permanent full funding for the first time, providing matching grants for state, local, and tribal governments to expand access to parks, protecting fragile ecosystems and conserving currently unprotected natural resources across the country. Additionally, this legislation establishes the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund, which will provide federal land management agencies with the resources needed to address the $22 billion deferred maintenance backlog on our public lands.

Rep. Kind is the founder and co-chair of the National Parks Caucus and a former member of the Natural Resources Committee. He has consistently supported legislation that furthers a legacy of conservation programs, like the LWCF, and led efforts to secure and protect funding for wildlife refuges nationwide as the founder of the Wildlife Refuge Caucus.