District Update |October 25, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you and your family are continuing to stay healthy and well. I know I am looking forward to seeing our temperatures drop this week. 

I appreciate everyone’s participation in our Myth vs. Fact survey two weeks ago. We had an overwhelming number of responses, and I look forward to utilizing your submissions for future newsletters. Incase you have missed any, I wanted to provide a link to each of our past Myth vs. Fact newsletters below:

Be sure to stay subscribed for future editions. Now, here is a look back at our work from this past week.

Safe Testing at Resident Teleheath Act


Last week, I introduced the Safe Testing at Residence Telehealth (START) Act of 2020, bipartisan legislation to provide at-home COVID-19 and flu testing for seniors and other vulnerable populations. As we have seen the past several months, telemedicine and at-home care is a part of the future of our healthcare system. This legislation would expand access to care for vulnerable populations and seniors staying home, instead of risking exposure.

I am proud to introduce this legislation to continue our much-needed expansion of at-home care. I look forward to continuing this work to protect seniors and Americans most at risk. By further expanding new healthcare technologies, we can make our healthcare more affordable, accessible, and efficient. 

To learn more about the START Act of 2020, click here

Spirit of Enterprise Award


I am honored to be presented with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Enterprise Award from my friends at the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. This annual award acknowledges Members of Congress for voting to support pro-growth legislation, showing leadership on important issues, and reaching across the aisle to get things done. 

Now more than ever, we must be working to pass legislation to support our businesses and help get our economy back on track. Too many Arizona businesses are still struggling to keep their doors open as our community has safely re-opened. Congress must be working to make sure these businesses are supported and have the resources they need to continue operations.

I am continuing to urge my colleagues to pass my COVID-19 Workplace Testing Tax Credit, and other pieces of legislation I have sponsored to provide tax credits for PPE supplies. To read more about the U.S. Chamber Spirit of Enterprise Award, click here

The Hill 50+ Voter Summit


I joined The Hill 50+ Voter Summit last week to discuss the impact my legislation has had for seniors by allowing Medicare to expand telehealth services amidst a pandemic. We have seen incredible satisfaction amongst seniors, and medical providers with this expansion; however, it is important for us all to be aware that once the COVID-19 pandemic is declared over, this expansion will go away. I joined my colleagues on the Telehealth Caucus in introducing the Expanding Access to Telehealth Post-COVID19 Act to ensure this expansion can continue for our seniors. 

We also discussed the importance of retirement security and addressing ways to ensure our government promises are kept. I have been discussing the importance of growing our economy and expanding technology to make services more accessible and affordable with my colleagues in Congress for years. It is past time that we focus on this important issue, and provide seniors the support they deserve during retirement.

To watch my segment during the conference, click here

Updates for Seniors


The open enrollment period for Medicare health and drug plans is now open. If you are interested in enrolling, or making changes to your current plan, you have until December 7th, 2020 to make any updates. To learn more about the open enrollment period, visit Medicare.gov. You can also shop and compare plans here. 

Our office is working with seniors every day who are experiencing issues with their Social Security or Medicare plans. If we can ever be helpful for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team located in Scottsdale are experienced professionals available to answer your questions.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly newsletter. Feel welcome to share this email with friends and family to subscribe. If you would like to contact me, please browse my website for the different services our office can help you with.


David Schweikert

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