District Update |June 21, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

We hope everyone is continuing to stay healthy and well.

We want to wish all of our Arizona Dads a very happy Father’s Day. Little Girl brought me this card today.  It has been the greatest gift becoming a Father. Whether together or far away, we hope everyone was able to spend some time with family today.


Arizona COVID-19 Updates


Last week I came across this graphic showing the impact of COVID-19 across the Valley. While much of our district is not included in the top locations with increasing positive cases shown above, it is important for all of us to continue best practices for staying safe. This includes regularly washing hands, avoid touching your face, and disinfecting regularly touched surfaces. 

I also encourage anyone who believes they have come in contact with a positive COVID-19 case or is experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus to contact your primary care doctor, and utilize telemedicine as an option for receiving care.  

Currently, the expansion of telemedicine will be discontinued at the end of this public health emergency. I am continuing to work with my colleagues to ensure the convenience of telemedicine is expanded for providers and patients after the end of this pandemic. The convenience and safety of receiving medical advice from the comfort of your home is unmatched to our regular means of receiving care and must be further expanded.  

May Arizona Unemployment Update


In May, Arizona saw a decrease in unemployment by 4.5%, decreasing our state rate to 8.9% from 13.4% in April. We also saw an increase in our labor force throughout the state. We must continue helping individuals safely return to work and regain our prior economic growth. 

Recently, I joined my colleagues in introducing legislation to create a “back-to-work” bonus for individuals who have been receiving unemployment insurance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to safely return to work to support business operations and our economy. Pro-growth policies such as this will help support our workers, regain our economic strength experienced prior to the start of COVID-19 and help support our business owners re-opening their doors. 

I will continue to work with my colleagues to incentivize growth in our economy, and support our business owners and employees who are working to provide for our communities. 

Ways and Means Committee Hearings

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I joined my colleagues on the Ways and Means Committee for two hearings this week. First, we invited Ambassador Lighthizer to discuss the 2020 Trade Policy Agenda with us. I asked about the implementation of the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA) as full implementation will soon begin on July 1st. 

I was pleased to hear Ambassador Lighthizer say the USMCA is on track to be properly implemented. This trade agreement will bring incredible growth, job creation, and modern rules for trading with our neighbors, Mexico and Canada, to our state. I look forward to seeing this agreement’s implementation and continuing to work on free and fair trade policies with our allies. 

During the second hearing on tax policy, I questioned witnesses about policy options Congress should be considering to help create job growth and opportunity in our communities. I am hopeful that Congress will prioritize proposals for economic relief this summer as we continue to see our economy regain strength. 

To watch my discussion with tax policy experts, click the video above. 

Opportunity Zone Tour


I was pleased to join Secretary Ben Carson on a tour of the Aeroterra Community Center, a designated opportunity zone in Arizona. Opportunity zones, a program we developed in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, have successfully supported economic development across the country in low-income areas.

This policy has helped provide support for our local community and helped change the lives of many of our brothers and sisters. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to ensure opportunity zone investments are as successful as this EnVision Center, and to expand upon this success to help other Arizona communities in need. 

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David Schweikert

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