District Update |June 7, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope that everyone is continuing to stay safe and well. This past week, our country saw the power of peaceful protests as the impact of the death of George Floyd has been felt deeply across the nation. I commend those who have taken action to make their voices heard through peaceful demonstrations. Now, we must work together to find ways to combat the systemic racism that those who are Black in America face on a daily basis. 

In the last few weeks, our state has been able to greatly increase our COVID-19 testing capacity. We have also begun to see an increase in the number of Arizonans testing positive for the coronavirus. As many of us leave our homes, we must stay strong to protect ourselves and others as this virus has not yet left our beautiful state. 


Above is a chart showing states who saw an increase in positive COVID-19 cases in this last week. I encourage everyone to continue to follow CDC guidelines when leaving your homes and checking the Arizona Department of Health Services website regularly for updates. We must stay vigilant in our social distancing practices to beat this virus together. 

Optimistic May Jobs Report


Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shocked the economy with an optimistic jobs report. This data far exceeded analyst’s estimates to show that as communities safely re-open our economy is gaining back its momentum. 

In the chart above, you will see the negative orange bar for predicted jobs added, whereas the actual jobs added included 2.5 million. The unemployment chart on the right shows analysts predicted over 19% unemployment, while we saw the rate drop to 13.3%. 

As Senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, I recommend subscribing for our weekly economic update, to learn more about this data and our economy’s current conditions. 

Providing Flexibility for Arizona Businesses


I am pleased to report the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Flexibility Act was signed into law, helping deliver much-needed relief for Arizona small businesses by making the PPP loans more flexible. I was proud to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation to help support businesses by:

  • Extending the expense forgiveness period from eight to twenty-four weeks
  • Reducing the 75 percent payroll ratio requirement to 60 percent
  • Eliminating the 2-year loan repayment restrictions for future borrowers
  • Allowing payroll tax deferment for PPP recipients
  • Extending the June 30 rehiring deadline to December 31, 2020

This loan program has been a life-line for many of our Arizona businesses who were closed due to COVID-19. If you are an Arizona business who has questions about the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, use this link for more information. 

Promoting Return to Work

Last week, I cosponsored two pieces of legislation to help support individuals safely returning to work. Now that our communities are safely re-opening, we must ensure that businesses are able to retain the employees they had before the start of COVID-19, to ensure business operations can be successful. 

I joined my Ways and Means Committee colleagues in introducing the Reopening America by Supporting Workers and Businesses Act of 2020, legislation to help local businesses by turning unemployment benefits into a back-to-work bonus that will provide a bump to workers and help accelerate our economic recovery. 

The second piece of legislation I helped introduce last week, the Rewarding American Workers Act, would help recognize essential workers for their time on the front lines of COVID-19. The bill would create a refundable  tax credit to help businesses give bonuses to their essential workers on the front lines of the response to COVID-19, while also addressing the issue that some of those workers might have made more on unemployment.  

I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress to spur economic growth, reduce our unemployment, and incentivize consumer spending as we see our economy re-gain its strength. 

76th Anniversary of D-Day


Yesterday marked the 76th anniversary of D-Day. On June 6, 1944. the Greatest Generation stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate Nazi-occupied Europe. We use this anniversary to remember their sacrifice, applaud their fight for freedom, and honor their heroism.

If you are a veteran who needs assistance with the VA or is interested in participating in the Library of Congress’s Veterans History Project, feel welcome to contact our Scottsdale office. We are available to assist veterans with any questions and casework needs.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly E-Newsletter. Feel welcome to share this email with friends so they can subscribe for updates and future events. If you would like to contact me, please browse my website for the different services our office can help you with.

David Schweikert

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