District Update |May 25, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

Today we remember the brave men and women serving in uniform who we have lost, and honor their sacrifice in the line of duty to keep America safe and free. All of our members of the military put themselves on the front lines each day, and we are eternally grateful for your bravery and sacrifice.  


We hope everyone living close to the East Desert Fire stayed safe this week. We are very thankful for all of our Arizona firefighters working around the clock to contain this fire.

We are still in the midst of wildfire season in Arizona. Before heading out on the trails, check BLM’s website for fire conditions. Currently, BLM-managed lands in Arizona are in Stage 2 Fire Restriction

Last week’s newsletter included a typo we would like to correct. The Taiwan SemiConductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) investment will be $12 billion, not million. Thank you to everyone who responded to help us fix this!

Now, here is a preview of upcoming events for you to participate in and a look at the work I am doing for you in Arizona and Washington, D.C. 

Join Us for a Telephone Town Hall


We are hosting a telephone town hall this Wednesday, May 27th at 5:00 pm local Arizona time. If you would like join, please use this link to register to receive a call. 

During the call, we will be discussing updates on the coronavirus, including the work we are doing for you in Arizona and Washington, D.C. This will be an interactive way to speak with a vast amount of constituents, and answer the questions you have for me.

I hope you are able to join us on Wednesday!

Expanding Telehealth Services


This Congress, I have worked with my colleagues on the Telehealth Caucus to push forward innovative solutions to providing and accessing care, including the use of telehealth. 

Recently, I joined my colleagues on a letter urging we continue to use our experience with telehealth services during the COVID-19 crisis for mental health visits. The past two months presented unique challenges for all of us in how we changed our routines. We must continue to integrate these innovative health services into our practices for how we receive and access care as we adjust to the future. 

To read the full letter, click HERE.

Congratulations Class of 2020

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Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We want to congratulate all of our high school graduating seniors for your hard work and dedication. The spring of your senior year presented an unusual challenge, but you all rose to the challenge and finished your time at school successfully. 

We wish you all the very best. If our office can ever be helpful for you, please, give us a call. Please share my congratulatory message to high school seniors by clicking the red button above. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly E-Newsletter. Feel welcome to share this email with friends so they can subscribe for updates and future events. If you would like to contact me, please browse my website for the different services our office can help you with.

David Schweikert

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