District Update |January 19, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

This week, Congress and President Trump made history in the trade space with the signing of the United States and China Phase I trade deal, along with passage of the USMCA in the Senate. These modernized trade agreements are incredible achievements that will continue to help grow and strengthen the United States economy. 

During my time in Congress, and this year on the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, it has been one of my top priorities to improve our trade agreements and relationships. 

I look forward to continuing to find ways for Arizona to have access to free and fair trade and continuing to strengthen our trade relationships with other countries. 


New Health Technology Coming to Market


I joined the House floor to discuss our healthcare spending, and the new technology coming to market from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that would help to crash our prices. 

We are seeing wearable free heart rate monitors, electronic pill bottle dispenser caps to ensure prescription drugs are being taken effectively, and technology that will provide at-home services to respond to your symptoms before heading to the doctor's office. 

Healthcare spending is driving our debt and deficit. The future of healthcare is here, but the barriers for these life-saving technologies are blocking the ability for them to be made available to us. We must create policy that will not become outdated in 5-10 years, and instead allow these revolutions to be available in hospitals, homes, schools, and more. 

Watch my full floor speech above to learn more about our healthcare spending problem and the new technology we are seeing being made available. 

Virtual Currency Tax Fairness Act

As Co-Chair of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, I am often working with my colleagues to move Congress into the future of technology. I recently introduced a bipartisan bill which would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to specifically address transactions made with virtual currency. This bill creates a structure to help further strengthen the legitimacy of virtual currency in the digital economy by creating parity in the tax code. 

To remain a global leader, the United States must allow fair treatment of virtual currencies in our tax code, particularly small dollar transactions to occur without additional friction. If you would like to learn more about this legislation, click here

Joint Economic Committee Newsletter


As Senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, I will be sending out weekly economic updates including a chart of the week and economic data that will be specific to recent news. 

Serving on the Joint Economic Committee has been an honor during my time in Congress. The Committee works to review economic conditions and to recommend improvements for economic policy.  

If you are interested in subscribing to this economic newsletter, click here.

Recognition Ceremony at Taliesin West


Last week, my staff attended a ceremony to commemorate the inscription of Taliesin West as part of the 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

This is a well-deserved recognition for Taliesin West. Our family always enjoys taking trips to this Arizona treasure and I look forward to seeing this new commemorative plaque during our visits. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly E-Newsletter. If you would like to contact me, please feel welcome to browse my website for the different services our office can help you with.



                                                                           David Schweikert

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