District Update |January 5, 2020                                                                                 

Dear Friend,

I hope you have had a great start to 2020. With a new year comes new resolutions, so I would like to send you an update on some of the priorities I plan to work on for Arizonans in 2020. At the end of this newsletter will be a suggestion box for you to pass along any additional priorities to include in our 2020 outlook.

Growing Our Economy


Each month of Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 I would update you on the difference in U.S. Treasury Receipts post-tax reform. From the chart above, you can see FY 2019 showed substantial growth over years 2017 and 2018. This is exciting news and I will continue to update this graph throughout 2020 once we have enough data to compare. 

We all saw this week's news surrounding Arizona's growth. The graph below shows the past decade of growth for our state compared to the predicted growth. With friendly business regulations and strong trade Arizona will continue to see this growth in coming years.  


Continuing to grow our economy is one of my top priorities. The success of thousands of jobs added, low unemployment, and a strong labor force has put the United States on top as a global competitor, and we must continue on this path by developing pro-growth policies that will put Arizona and America first. 

Finding a Cure for Valley Fever


During my time in Congress, I have worked hard to bring awareness and research funding to fight Valley Fever. We have developed the FORWARD Act, legislation to combat Valley Fever, and hosted round tables each year to increase awareness for this fungal disease. 

It is one of my top priorities to get the FORWARD Act across the finish line in 2020. With bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate, I believe we can get this much needed legislation passed to support Arizonans.

I would also like to continue to host round tables to foster discussion among professionals and community members with first-hand knowledge of this disease. Together we can bring justice to all of those in the Southwest infected by this horrific disease. 

Incentivizing Technology Solutions

We are currently experiencing a revolution in technology that can help to crash the price of services. Whether this be in healthcare, climate technology, or other policy areas, we must begin to create incentives for Americans to invest in technology solutions that will lead to healthier and more efficient lives. 


This can be done through changes to our tax code that will incentivize implementation of clean energy, similar to the power plant without a smoke stack in West Texas, or removing barriers in our healthcare system that prohibit portable and efficient technology from being made available to us. 

I often speak on the House Floor and during Ways and Means Committee hearings about the new technology we have available and on the horizon. We should be including all of these solutions in our policy discussions to help future-proof legislation. I will continue to advocate for the benefits of new technology and how this body must look towards the future in our policy discussions. 

Strengthening Our Trade

This past year's trade news has been largely dedicated to passing the United States, Mexico, Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA). While I continue serving on the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, I plan to focus on strengthening our trade with other nations as well in 2020. 

I am committed to ensuring Arizona has access to free and fair trade, while also ensuring the United States’ trading relationships are kept a high priority. We must continue expanding access to emerging markets and create opportunities for U.S. manufacturers, farmers and service providers to sell more American-made goods and services around the world. 

Providing Constituent Services


Our office has the distinct pleasure of helping constituents with federal casework assistance, recognizing Arizonan's striving to provide greatness in our community, scheduling tours during visits to Washington, D.C., accepting internship applicants, and much more.  

Recognizing the hard work of Arizonans selflessly helping others in our community is one of my favorite services. In 2019, we recognized businesses, individuals, and organizations who are giving back to Arizonans to make our community stronger. 

If you would like to request a Certificate of Congressional Recognition for a member of Arizona’s 6th Congressional District, click here to fill out a quick form. We look forward to recognizing all of the kind individuals in AZ-06 who make Arizona the best place to call home. 

For a list of all of the services our office can help you with, click here

I appreciate you taking the time to read my weekly E-Newsletter. Below you can find a space to leave additional priorities that you would like to see me focus on in 2020. Please note this newsletter only touched on a few of my priorities. I look forward to hearing how else I can best serve Arizonans in 2020!

What additional priorities would you like me to focus on in 2020?




                                                                                David Schweikert

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