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Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

Representing the 3rd District of Ohio

Media Center

Latest News

Oct 14, 2020 Announcements
National School Lunch Week highlights the importance of the National School Lunch Program.
Oct 14, 2020 Announcements
Every October, we celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month (NWSMBM) to recognize the importance of our nation’s female entrepreneurs
Oct 13, 2020 Announcements
For 70 years, every October nation celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) to reflect on the important role Americans with disabilities have in the workplace and our economy
Oct 9, 2020 Announcements
Congresswoman Beatty was awarded a perfect score on HRC Scorecard for 116th Congress.
Oct 7, 2020 Press Release
In an attempt to deceive, Sec. LaRose ordered alternative ballot drop boxes to be placed next to existing units.
Oct 7, 2020 News Articles
Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Columbus) says she’s not surprised that President Trump, upon arriving back to the White House after his hospital stay for COVID-19, removed his mask and downplayed the serious nature of the virus.
Oct 7, 2020 Announcements
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual initiative to increase awareness around breast cancer, breast cancer prevention, breast cancer detection and breast cancer treatment.
Oct 6, 2020 News Articles
Ohio Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (D-Columbus) says she’s not surprised that President Trump, upon arriving back to the White House after his hospital stay for COVID-19, removed his mask and downplayed the serious nature of the virus.
Oct 5, 2020 Press Release
Lawmakers press LaRose to ensure in-person voting is safe by implementing recommendations of 200+ health, faith, and voting rights groups.
