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For more information concerning my work and views on the economy, please contact my Washington, DC office.

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More on Economy

October 16, 2020 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee released a new report this week on how America's failure to contain the coronavirus is taking a toll on Americans’ mental health.

September 16, 2020 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) This week, Reps. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA-32) and Darin LaHood (R-IL-18) introduced H.R. 8240, legislation to designate Route 66 as a National Historic Trail. The lawmakers previously introduced similar legislation in the 115th Congress.

July 1, 2020 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC)  Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte) voted for H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, a more than $1.5 trillion investment to rebuild American infrastructure from roads, bridges, and transit systems, to schools, housing, and broadband access.

May 31, 2019 Press Release

(EL MONTE, CA) Yesterday, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (CA-32) toured Outdoor Research’s brand-new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the City of El Monte to meet with the company’s workers and executives. The Seattle-based recreational clothing manufacturer, who recently moved into El Monte for the specific purpose of making military cold weather gloves, has already hired more than 100 employees—many of whom are immigrants of Hispanic and Asian heritage—with the intention to hire additional workers as demand continues to grow.

May 1, 2019 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA-32), supported by her fellow Congressional Mental Health Caucus Co-Chair Rep. John Katko (R-NY-24), introduced a bipartisan resolution, H. Res. 337, and joined dozens of lawmakers to recognize May as Mental Health Awareness Month.

September 12, 2018 In The News

That commitment to remaining an American manufacturer has not been lost on Rep. Grace Napolitano, D-El Monte. She stopped by the 183,000-square foot manufacturing complex in late August to present President and CEO Ken Rakusin with a certificate of congressional recognition.

July 30, 2018 Page

Presentations from the August 2nd roundtable can be accessed below.

July 20, 2018 In The News

On Wednesday, 32 members of Congress, including Rep. Grace Napolitano, D-El Monte, sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions questioning “possible irregularities” in the aluminum market that appear to have inflated prices.

January 30, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte) called for a robust infrastructure bill for the San Gabriel Valley and the nation, as meager details of President Trump’s infrastructure plan have been released, in advance of his first State of the Union address.

January 10, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) Today, H.R. 801, the Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act, sponsored by Reps. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA-32) and Darin LaHood (R-IL-18), unanimously passed the House Natural Resources Committee during a full committee markup.
