Brindisi embraces ‘common ground’ found in Congress


January 24, 2020
In The News

With the long shadow of impeachment hanging over the nation’s capital, some opinion pieces and talking heads on cable news channels have described the country’s political fracturing as the worst it has ever been.

But after his first year in Washington as a congressman, U.S. Rep. Anthony Brindisi said the reality behind the noise isn’t quite as dire.

“Even at the height of impeachment, you’re still meeting with members on the other side of the aisle and looking for legislation to work on together,” Brindisi, D-Utica, said. “Some people want to be partisan and go off in their corners, and you know who those people are. But there’s a lot of serious people there who want to get things done and you try to gravitate towards those people and find common ground.”

Washington politics were among the topics Brindisi discussed Thursday during a conversation with members of the Observer-Dispatch Editorial Board. The congressman took office last January after a contentious election, defeating incumbent Claudia Tenney.

Brindisi highlighted four bills he sponsored that were signed into law by President Donald Trump during his first year in office. The bills included the Support Procurement of our Nation’s Stainless Steel Act, which requires the Department of Defense to purchase American-made flatware, and the Jobs and Premium Protections Act, which permanently repealed a tax included in the Affordable Care Act.

“In a divided government, that’s not an easy thing to do,” Brindisi said. “But these are priorities that I thought were important to the district and certainly areas that we’ve heard from constituents about.”

In his first year in Congress, Brindisi joined the House’s Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan caucus focused on compromise on issues like immigration and prescription drug costs.

Brindisi also discussed bipartisan House of Representative action, such as a federal spending bill to fund the government and the passage of a trade deal with Mexico and Canada.

“I think despite some of the noise in Washington, there was a period of time at the end of last year where we had some good bipartisan wins,” he said.

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A freshman Representative in a swing district, Brindisi waited to announce his decision on impeachment until the final days before the House vote. He called the decision to vote to impeach Trump the most difficult of his political career.

“It’s a very solemn responsibility, and that’s why I struggled with it,” Brindisi said. “Particularly because I have worked so well with the administration, and I’ll continue to do that.”


While he has yet to formally announce his intention to run for reelection, Brindisi touched on the upcoming 2020 election during his hour-long discussion with the editorial board.

There already have been television ads from Republican and Democratic political action committees on Brindisi, which aired beginning prior to the impeachment vote in December. He said he expects the campaign to be difficult again, as it was in 2018.

“I’m sure it will be very similar to the last campaign,” Brindisi said. “So I’m ready, but there’s things that I’ve learned that I can control and there’s things I can’t control. All I can control (is) the job that we do and continue to work on behalf of the people and hopefully our record will speak for itself come Election Day.”

Republicans competing for the party’s nomination include Tenney, former Broome County District Attorney Steve Cornwell, George Phillips and Franklin Sager. New York’s 22nd Congressional District includes Chenango, Cortland, Madison and Oneida counties, as well as parts of Broome, Herkimer, Oswego and Tioga counties.

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When asked about the Democratic presidential primary field, Brindisi declined to endorse a candidate.

He said he prefers a moderate who can be a consensus builder.

“What I’m looking for in a candidate is someone who I think is effective,” he said. “Someone who realizes that in order to get things done, you’ve got to reach across the aisle. Someone who can bring some civility and respect back to our country and I’ll wait and see how that plays out.”