Jobs and the Economy


Jobs and the Economy

Congresswoman Trahan grew up in a working-class family in Lowell, Massachusetts where her father was a Union Ironworker and her mother worked multiple minimum-wage jobs, all the while raising her and her three sisters. Like so many others, they lived from paycheck to paycheck and felt the tight grasp of economic anxiety.

The current economy is not working for everyone. For too long, politicians in Washington have ignored the needs of middle-class Americans. Congresswoman Trahan is fighting for an economy that puts everyday Americans first.

Raise the Wage Act

Despite working multiple jobs, many workers still struggle to make ends meet at the current federal minimum wage. The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour for over a decade, leaving hardworking families behind. On July 18, 2019 Congresswoman Trahan along with the majority of the House of Representatives voted to pass the Raise the Wage Act. The Raise the Wage Act aims to gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour within six years. It would also index future minimum wage increases to median wage growth while ensuring all workers make at least the full federal minimum wage. If enacted, the Raise the Wage Act will give many American workers a well-deserved pay increase that corresponds with the rising cost of living. 

Small Employer Retirement Savings Auto-Enrollment Credit Act

On May 23, 2019 Congresswoman Trahan’s Small Employer Retirement Savings Auto-Enrollment Credit Act passed the House of Representatives as a part of the larger Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act.

The Small Employer Retirement Savings Auto-Enrollment Credit Act was originally introduced by Representatives Trahan and Mike Kelly (R-PA) in March of 2019.  It is designed to bolster automatic enrollment in 401(k) retirement plans by employees of small businesses.

To read more about this piece of legislation, click here

Additional Supported Legislation

Paycheck Fairness Act*

Social Security 2100 Act*

Childcare for Working Families Act*

Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act*

Federal Employee Paid Leave Act

Never Forget the Heroes: Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victims 

BE HEARD in the Workplace Act

 * indicates the Congresswoman is an Original Cosponsor of that legislation.