Agency Help

If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, our office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need. While we cannot guarantee you a favorable outcome, we will do our best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your problem.

Residents of the 2nd Congressional District of Louisiana can contact us for assistance in dealing with Federal agencies.

How can we help?

Congressman Richmond is committed to making government work for Louisianans. Our casework team is ready to assist constituents who may need help with individual problems as they relate to the federal government. We will make every effort to help you receive an answer in a timely fashion and also help you get the information you are requesting. Although we cannot override the decisions made by a federal agency, we can often intervene on an individual's behalf to answer questions and help to find solutions.

To receive assistance immediate from our office, please call our district office at (504) 288-3777. 

Where we cannot intervene:

Because of the Constitutional separation of powers between the three branches of government, judicial matters (matters that involve the court system) do not fall under the jurisdiction of a Member of Congress. Examples of judicial matters are:

  • Child custody
  • Divorce
  • Civil/Criminal trials
  • Pardons/records expungement

Issues related to Louisiana agencies are not under the jurisdiction of a Member of the U.S. Congress. Please contact your local State Senator or State Representative for assistance.  If you are unsure of who represents you in the Louisiana State Legislature, please visit