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Congressman Palazzo serves on the House Committee on Appropriations

The House Committee on Appropriations is responsible for the allocation of federal funds.  Congressman Palazzo serves on two subcommittees: Homeland Security; Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies 

Congressman Palazzo serves as the Co-Chairman of the National Guard Caucus.  As a member of the Mississippi National Guard and Persian Gulf War veteran he brings a unique perspective while advocating on their behalf as Co-Chairman. 

Steven is an active member of the conservative Republican Study Committee and the Values Action Team. He is also a member of the following caucuses:

National Guard Caucus, Co-Chair
Sportsman's Caucus
CPA Caucus
Army Caucus
Ship Building Caucus
UAV Caucus
Travel & Tourism Caucus
Gulf Coast Caucus
Aerospace Caucus
Air Force Caucus
Ports Caucus
Congressional Manufactured Housing Caucus
Navy - Marine Corps Caucus
Congressional Expatriate Caucus, Chairman
Home Protection Caucus, Co-Chair