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President's Budget Proposal Irresponsible

February 9, 2016
Press Release

Palmer: President’s Budget Proposal Irresponsible

Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL), a member of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s FY 2017 budget proposal.

“Increasing spending, while the Congressional Budget Office projects a shortfall in revenues, is not a path to fiscal responsibility, but that’s exactly what President Obama is proposing,” Palmer said.  “His priorities do not represent the priorities of the American people.  Whether it is the government or an individual, it is irresponsible to continue spending more than you earn.

“A responsible budget would balance without gimmicks, would cut spending, and would not raise taxes on the hard working American people.  President Obama’s proposal fails in every category.”

According to the House Budget Committee, President Obama’s proposal would increase spending by $2.5 trillion and raise taxes by $3.4 trillion over the ten year budget window.

For any additional questions, contact:

William Smith, (202) 225-4921,

U.S. Representative Gary Palmer (R-AL) serves on three Congressional committees: Oversight and Government Reform, Budget, and Science, Space and Technology.
