I’m back in DC today to vote for the “Delivering for America Act” that will reverse recent attempts to sabotage our postal service. I wanted to share some stories you have sent me about markedly slower USPS service in the 8th district. Thank you to everyone who has contacted my office with concerns about our postal service.
Happy Veterans Day! I want to thank all of the Veterans and their families for their sacrifices to our country. Freedom is not free and we will be forever indebted to those who stepped up to defend our country. Today I wanted to highlight an important program called the Veterans History Project that chronicles the stories and experiences of Veterans to make sure we can learn from them for generations to come. Check out my chat with the VHP to learn more and how to get involved.
Today I was at the Issaquah Post Office today because I have heard from hundreds of my constituents over the last few weeks about life-saving medications and paychecks being delayed that have never been delayed before, including Veterans and seniors on fixed incomes. I have my own experience with my own medication taking 14 days to arrive. While I am glad that Postmaster Louis DeJoy announced today that he will stop his cuts to the U.S. Postal Service for the next few months, that doesn’t erase the experience of my constituents who have been adversely affected medically and financially over the last few months. I will hold Postmaster DeJoy to his promise. Service must be restored as soon as possible.

ICYMI: I spoke with KOMO about what 8th district residents urgently need in a COVID-19 relief package, and why I am urging against traveling this Thanksgiving week. You can watch it here:…/connect-to-congress-rep-kim-schrier-…

Thanksgiving is going to look a little different this year. We’ve decided to not travel to see family to make sure we can all celebrate together safely in 2021. So we’ll create some new traditions like making homemade pumpkin pie and seeing family and friends over Zoom. I know it is hard to not see family during the holidays, but I strongly encourage you to stay home and not travel for Thanksgiving.

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