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A congressional caucus is a collection of like-minded representatives working on common legislative objectives in a particular area important to them. Rep. Denny Heck is affiliated with a number of bipartisan caucuses and coalitions focused on important issues affecting the 10th Congressional District.

If you own a house, take out a student loan, or simply have a checking account, the work of the House Financial Services Committee impacts you.

Since its formation in 1977, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has served to review, monitor, and supervise the U.S. intelligence community. Congressman Heck is the only member of the House of Representatives from the Pacific Northwest to currently serve on this committee.

Economists are increasingly worried the economic recovery is leaving behind the middle class and those working to get into it. Rep. Denny Heck is worried about that too. Every family in Washington state deserves the opportunity to thrive. Members of Congress must do a better job working with their colleagues from both parties towards that goal.

Gain insight into the Legislative Process and how you can make a difference.

Restoration efforts in the Puget Sound generate jobs, goods, and services in the short-term and help to ensure our economic livelihood in the long-term. Restoring the health of Puget Sound must remain a priority for our region, state and nation.

Representative Denny Heck has several transportation and infrastructure proposals and projects underway to bring the necessary changes to the 10th Congressional District to help our regional economy thrive.