2020 Census - Ensure Everyone Gets Counted

Chairwoman Maloney Kicks Off the 2020 Census

Why the 2020 Census is Important

The Committee on Oversight and Reform is committed to ensuring a complete, fair, and accurate 2020 Census.  The Census is underway, and the stakes for the 2020 Census could not be higher.   

Census data impacts more than a trillion dollars in federal funding for our communities and the allocation of congressional seats in every state for the next decade.  It is a keystone of our democracy, and it is essential that every person in America participates.

Learn more about why the census matters to your community’s future here.

How to Respond to the Census

The 2020 Census will be the first census where you can respond online.  For more information on how you can respond to the census, click here.

Your Census Data is Confidential

Filling out the census is safe and secure.  Your information and identity will be protected, and it is illegal for the Census Bureau to share your information with anyone, including law enforcement or immigration agencies.  To learn more about how the census will protect your information, click here.

How Members of Congress Can Make a Difference

Members of Congress and their staffs play an important role in making sure everyone in our communities is counted in the census. 

The Oversight Committee is making tips and resources available for Members and staff throughout the 2020 Census.  These will come in three phases:

  1. Awareness and Recruiting (February-March)
  2. Self-Response (March-April)
  3. Non-Response Follow-up (May-July)

To find out what your office can do right now to ensure a complete count in your community, click here.
