
The Oversight Subcommittee assists the full Committee in carrying out its general oversight responsibilities of matters within the scope of the full Committee’s jurisdiction.
The Subcommittee on Social Security handles all legislation and oversight related to the nation’s Social Security system, which provides earned benefits to retirees, severely disabled workers and their families, widows and widowers, and children who have lost a parent.
The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures shall consist of those revenue measures that, from time to time, shall be referred to it specifically by the Chairman of the full Committee.
The Subcommittee on Trade is responsible for matters related to international trade, including customs, tariffs, the negotiation and implementation of reciprocal trade agreements, and international trade rules and organizations.

The Worker & Family Support  Subcommittee authorizes and oversees a range of critical supports for workers, children, and families. Specifically, the Subcommittee oversees