
For years I have been saying that the national debt is the number one issue that  Congress needs to address.  Over the past few years, the growth in government funding has far outpaced the growth of the American family budget.  It is long past time for the government to do what families in America are doing every day—figure out what their priorities are and create a responsible budget that reflects those priorities.

The Appropriations Committee, on which I serve, plays a key role in instilling a sense of fiscal responsibility and accountability into the federal budget.  The Committee is responsible not only for writing the federal budget each year, but also for overseeing how federal agencies spend taxpayer dollars and ensuring that those dollars are spent wisely and that agencies are held accountable to the taxpayers they serve. 

Subcommittee Assignments:
Currently, I serve as Chairman of the House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee. I also serve on the House Interior and Environment Subcommittee, as well as the House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee. To learn more about my work on these subcommittees, click the “Mike’s Work on Committee” link to the right.

Federal Budget Process:
It is important for Americans to understand how the federal appropriations process works so that they can advocate for responsible federal spending.  Please visit the links to the right to learn more about the federal budget, the responsibility of the House Appropriations Committee, and the work that I am doing on behalf of Idaho and my constituents. 

NOTE:  The House Republican Conference has agreed to implement a moratorium on earmarks lasting through the end of the 113th Congress.  In accordance with these rules, I have not requested any earmarks for the current fiscal year.