• Economic Development

    I firmly believe every American is entitled to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Bipartisan efforts are needed to create opportunities for prosperity, and I committed to finding common ground in Congress. To obtain the American Dream and t...

  • Education

    Being a public servant and a member of Congress positions me to advocate for equality. I believe that education is a necessary foundation of democracy used to strengthen and sustain our society. I am committed to providing every child with the opport...

  • Energy and Environment

    Throughout my career, I've advocated strong protections for our environment. Whether it is fighting for clean air and water regulations, pushing for green energy innovation, protecting our wildlife and natural resources, or addressing the threat of c...

  • Health

    My core belief in equality is one of the reasons I decided to run for Congress. My belief that we all deserve a fair shot extends to every corner of our lives, including the belief that your income, social status, occupation or lack thereof should no...

  • Immigration

    Ours is a nation of immigrants. One of the great symbols of our country, the Statue of Liberty, includes the Emma Lazarus poem which reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teem...

  • Justice and Civil Rights

    I believe that as a nation founded on the premise of equality and democracy, our laws and our government should treat every American fairly regardless of their race, gender, socio-economic status, religion or any other quality. Unfortunately, those f...

  • LGBT Equality

    Congresswoman Watson Coleman strongly believes that Congress must do more to guarantee equal rights to LGBT individuals. She is committed to fighting for marriage equality, strengthening anti-discrimination laws to cover sexual orientation and gender...

  • National Security/Armed Services/Veterans

    National Security A prosperous nation must also ensure the security of its residents. As a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security I am committed to continuing to improvement our nation’s defenses through practical, reasonable means, and w...

  • Senior Citizens

    For more information concerning work and views related to Senior Citizens, please contact our office.

  • Transportation

    Prior to my tenure in Congress, I worked for the New Jersey Department of Transportation as the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Contract Compliance and Affirmative Action. While addressing transportation challenges in New Jersey, I made safet...

  • Women

    “I am a woman. Hear me resist!” I said it at the Women’s March and I’ll say it again. Every issue is our issue, whether it’s healthcare, education, worker’s protection, environmental protection, a woman’s right to choose, civil rights, or LGBTQ right...

  • Voting Rights

    I’ve often watched, horrified, as voters are routinely forced to stand in outrageous lines at their polling places. States across the country have cut back on early voting hours, absentee ballots and mail in ballots which will only add to the problem...