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Counting for the 2020 Census has begun, and just over 50% of households in the Eighth District have completed the form. This is one of the lowest response rates in the nation. We must fill out the Census like our life depends on it because our quality of life absolutely depends on it.​

The Census takes ten minutes to fill out and will lead to ten years of resources and legislative representation that will make a difference in our future. You can fill out the Census online, by calling (844) 330-2020 or filling out the forms you received in the mail. 

Please find some information and resources related to the Census below. Please contact my office for assistance with any questions or problems you may have.

Why the Census Matters

Data collected by the Census is used to determine how much funding cities and states receive for critical services like education, medical care, foster care, roads, public transit, and job programs. Census data also helps local governments enhance public safety and prepare for emergencies. For example, each student who gets counted can account for an additional $2,295 allocated to public education. 

How to Respond

You can complete your Census form online, by phone, or by mail when your invitation to respond arrives. Visit to begin.

Please note that if you are responding online, you must complete the Census in one sitting, as you don’t have the ability to save your progress. You can see the questions the Census asked.  

Who to Count

The goal of the 2020 Census is a complete and accurate count of everyone living in the United States and its five territories. You should count yourself at the place where you are living and sleeping most of the time as of April 1, 2020 (Census Day). If you have questions about special circumstances, please click here.

If you are filling out the Census for your home, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020. This includes anyone—related or unrelated to you—who lives and sleeps at your home most of the time.

Please be sure to count roommates, young children, newborns, and anyone who is renting a space in your home. If someone is staying in your home on April 1 and has no usual home elsewhere, you should count them in your response to the 2020 Census.

If someone such as a college student is just living with you temporarily due to the COVID-19 situation, they should be counted where they ordinarily would be living on April 1, 2020.

Census Takers in Your Neighborhood

Census takers may visit your home if you haven’t responded to the 2020 Census yet.

Census takers will wear masks and follow local public health guidelines when they visit your home. All Census takers complete a virtual COVID-19 training on social distancing and other health and safety protocols before beginning their work in neighborhoods. If the Census taker who visits your home does not speak your language, you may request a return visit from a Census taker who does speak your language.

Census takers work between 9am and 9pm, including weekends. If no one is home when the Census taker visits, the Census taker will leave a notice of their visit with information about how to respond onlineby phone or by mail. If you respond online or by phone today, a Census taker is less likely to have to visit your home to collect your response.

If someone visits your home this year to collect information for the 2020 Census, check to make sure they have a valid ID badge with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date. Census workers may also carry Census Bureau bags and other equipment with the Census Bureau logo.

Is it Secure?

The Census Bureau is required by law to protect any personal information they collect and keep it strictly confidential. The Census Bureau can only use your answers to produce statistics. In fact, every Census Bureau employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life.

By law, your Census responses cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way—not by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), not by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), not by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and not by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The law requires the Census Bureau to keep your information confidential and use your responses only to produce statistics. For more information, click here.

Jobs with the Census Bureau

Help your community while getting paid. Jobs for the 2020 Census include both field and office positions throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. A single application allows you to be considered for several positions, including Census taker, recruiting assistant, office clerk, and supervisory staff. Find out more and apply here.