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Cartwright Announces $5,368 to Carbondale Housing Authority for Homeless Youth

Oct 20, 2020
Press Release

Carbondale, PA – U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08) today announced that the Housing Authority of Carbondale will be awarded a total of $5,368 through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development’s Homeless Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI) program.

The FYI program provides housing vouchers to local public housing authorities to prevent or end homelessness among young adults under the age of 25 who are leaving, or have recently left, the foster care system without a home to go to. FYI is an important strategy aimed at helping communities reach the federal goal of preventing and ending youth homelessness.

“Youth leaving the foster system are at too high a risk of being homeless. And they need our help. Everyone deserves the safety of a home,” said Rep. Cartwright, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. “Especially today, as we ask folks to stay at home as much as possible to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. I will continue to work for funding programs and another stimulus package to protect the dignity and health of residents in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”