Enrollment Information

The insurance marketplace opened November 1 for 2021 plan shopping and comparisons. Please note that this year, like last year, the open enrollment period is short and ends December 15. 
If you already have insurance coverage through the marketplace, your plan will be automatically renewed on December 16 for 2021 coverage, but you should still visit to update your information, ensure you receive the full tax credit to which you are entitled, and review different options that may better fit your needs. You can also visit to see if you qualify for tax credits that will be applied as discounts on your monthly insurance premium. 
Please note that the website may have reduced or restricted availability during scheduled maintenance windows, which take place on Sunday mornings from 12:00 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET, except on November 1 and December 13. 

If you are on Medicare or if your employer offers qualified health insurance in which you are enrolled, you’re already covered and won’t need to enter the Marketplace for your health coverage. If you aren’t sure whether or not you should use the Marketplace to get insurance, call the Marketplace Hotline at 1-800-318-2596, visit, or you can always call my office at (901) 544-4131. You can also call the Marketplace Hotline or my office to find out if TennCare (Tennessee’s Medicaid program) is a coverage option for you. 

During this devastating pandemic, health coverage is more important than ever, and I have worked tirelessly to expand access to affordable and comprehensive health care. I was proud to vote for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act when it passed the House on June 29, 2020. This bill would protect those with pre-existing conditions, support states’ efforts to enroll more people through the ACA Marketplace, incentivize states to expand Medicaid, and lower insurance premiums and treatment costs. I will continue to urge Governor Lee to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act to provide coverage to thousands of Tennesseans and will continue to press for expanded access.   

Voting to pass the Affordable Care Act was one of the most meaningful votes I have cast as your Congressman. Please rest assured that I will continue to fight for these provisions and for affordable health care as Congress continues to work on legislation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.