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Census 2020

Census 2020 is here! This once-a-decade count of our communities is vital. It not only provides a clearer picture of where Americans live, but also helps determine federal funding levels and provides the basis for the redrawing of legislative districts, which helps ensure everyone’s voices are heard at every level of government. That’s why it’s so important for all of us to participate in this nationwide effort by filling out and submitting a Census form for ourselves and our families. In the last Census, Indianapolis had one of the highest participation rates among major cities. This year, I’m challenging our community to once again aim for a complete count. When we all choose to stand and be counted, we are making an investment in ourselves, our families, and our communities. Visit this page throughout the year for helpful updates and information on the 2020 Census.


Will There be a Citizenship Question on the Census?

At this time, the 2020 Census will not include a question asking if you are a citizen of the United States. The aim of the Census is to ensure a complete count of our nation, to better determine the unique needs of our individual communities. Including this question could discourage many residents who are not citizens from participating. That’s why I have opposed this effort from the beginning, and will continue working to block this misguided move.


Rep. Carson Census 2020 Public Service Announcement


Preview of the 2020 Census Video Language Guide


Helpful Resources

2020 Census Official Website

2020 Census Important Dates

Count Me INdy Official Website