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As your Congressman, I believe that we need to address all civil rights concerns by passing bipartisan legislation that protects American workers from discrimination on the basis of color, race, religion, age, disability, and gender. Civil rights laws that have been enacted over the last few decades have made strides to ensure that all people are able to succeed based on their abilities.

Unfortunately, recent Supreme Court decisions have weakened voting rights, workplace protections, and equality for LGBTQ individuals, for minorities, for women and for those serving in our military. This is why I will support bills that will protect our voting rights such as the Voting Rights Advancement Act and continue to ensure the expansion of rights for our LGBT communities are continued by supporting the Equality Act.

We must remain vigilant in the pursuit of a transparent election process and fight for equality. This not only allows all American to be successful but also serves to benefit future generations. Together all of our efforts comprise the struggle of a nation to promote respect and dignity to each and every person in the United States and abroad.

For more information concerning work and views related to voting and civil rights, please contact our office.
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