
H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies Act of 2020; H.R. 2648, the Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2019; H.R. 8366, To amend title 11 of the United States Code to increase the amount of the allowable homestead exemption. or the Protecting Homeowners in Bankruptcy Act of 2020; H.R. 8354, To establish the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. or the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020; H.R. 5227, the Technology in Criminal Justice Act of 2019.

Location: 2141 RHOB

H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies Act of 2020; H.R. 2648, the Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2019; H.R. 8366, To amend title 11 of the United States Code to increase the amount of the allowable homestead exemption. or the Protecting Homeowners in Bankruptcy Act of 2020; H.R. 8354, To establish the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. or the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020; H.R. 5227, the Technology in Criminal Justice Act of 2019.

Markup of H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies Act of 2020; H.R. 2648, the Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2019; H.R. 8366, To amend title 11 of the United States Code to increase the amount of the allowable homestead exemption. or the Protecting Homeowners in Bankruptcy Act of 2020; H.R. 8354, To establish the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. or the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020; H.R. 5227, the Technology in Criminal Justice Act of 2019.

Committee on the Judiciary

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 (2:00 PM)

2141 RHOB
Washington, D.C. 20515-515

Text of Legislation

  • H.R. 7370, the Protecting Employees and Retirees in Business Bankruptcies Act of 2020 (Agreed to by a Roll Call Vote of 20 Ayes and 10 Nos) [PDF]
  • H.R. 2648, the Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2019 (Agreed to by a Roll Call Vote of 19 Ayes and 5 Nos) [PDF]
  • H.R. 8366, To amend title 11 of the United States Code to increase the amount of the allowable homestead exemption. or the Protecting Homeowners in Bankruptcy Act of 2020 (Agreed to by a Roll Call Vote of 18 Ayes and 5 Nos) [PDF]
  • H.R. 8354, To establish the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative within the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. or the Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative Act of 2020 (Agreed to by a Voice Vote) [PDF]
  • H.R. 5227, the Technology in Criminal Justice Act of 2019 [PDF]


  • H.R. 2648 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler (Agreed to by a Voice Vote) [PDF]
  • H.R. 7370 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler (Agreed to by a Voice Vote) [PDF]
  • H.R. 8366 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - Nadler (Agreed to by a Voice Vote) [PDF]
  • H.R. 5227 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (Agreed to by a Voice Vote) [PDF]
  • H.R. 2648 Amendment - Tiffany #1 (Not Agreed to by a Roll Call Vote of 5 Ayes and 19 Nos) [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM

Support Documents

  • Statement for the Record Submitted by the Honorable Sylvia Garcia [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • A Washington Post Article for the Record Submitted by the Honorable Debbie Mucarsel-Powell [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • A New York Times Article for the Record Submitted by the Honorable Debbie Mucarsel-Powell [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • A Mother Jones Article for the Record Submitted by the Honorable Debbie Mucarsel-Powell [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM


  • RC #1 - on H.R. 7370 [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • RC #3 - on H.R. 2648 [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • RC #4 - on H.R. 8366 [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM
  • RC #2 - on an Amendment to the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2648 offered by Mr. Tiffany [PDF] Added 09/29/2020 at 07:06 PM

First Published: September 25, 2020 at 04:56 PM