The Commonwealth of Kentucky relies heavily on fossil fuels, and our coal resources provide our state thousands of jobs and deliver over 83 percent of our electricity. This allows Kentuckians to enjoy some of the lowest average electricity rates in the nation. It is imperative that our country work towards energy dominance and strong economic growth and security by rolling back onerous regulations and allowing for the innovation and development of fossil fuel technology. Throughout my time in Congress I have supported legislation to do just that.

  • Member of the Congressional Coal Caucus
  • Adamantly and actively opposed to the Green New Deal and the elimination of carbon-based fuels from our energy grid.
  • Supported the President’s decision to withdraw the United States from the unfair and unattainable Paris Agreement.
  • Cosponsored a resolution expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the U.S. economy. Spoke on the House Floor in support of this resolution.
  • Advanced the priorities of our energy industry by supporting legislation to decrease excess regulation.
  • Cosponsored H.J. Res 38 which relieves regulations imposed by the Stream Protection Rule and addresses the impacts of surface coal mining operations on surface water and the productivity of mining operation sites. H.J. Res 38 was signed into law by President Trump on February 16, 2017.

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