Radio TV Gallery

U.S. House of Representatives

Other House Resources

Floor Activity and Congressional Sites

Current House Floor Activity

House Floor proceedings, compiled by the Office of the Clerk

House Roll Call Votes Index

Index of House Roll Call Votes, compiled by the Office of the Clerk

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet

Legislative information, including bills and resolutions, compiled by the Library of Congress

Democratic Cloakroom

Legislative and Floor information, compiled by the Office of the Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Republican Leader

Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy

Majority Leader Floor Resources

Floor schedule information, compiled by the office of Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

Republican Whip Notice

Floor schedule information, compiled by the office of Republican Whip Steve Scalise

United States House of Representatives

Overview of the U.S. House of Representatives, compiled by the House

House History

Congressional historical information, compiled by the Office of the Clerk

Radio & Television Correspondents' Association

Organization of broadcast journalists who report on Congress

House Telephone Directory

Members and Committee contact information, compiled by the Office of the Clerk


Other House Media Galleries

House Daily Press Gallery

Facilitates House coverage by print newspapers

House Periodical Press Gallery

Facilitates House coverage by independent magazines, newsletters, non-daily newspapers, and online publications