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Congressional Record Inserts

Office of Official Reporters
HT-59 The Capitol

Congressional Record inserts must not exceed five full single-spaced or 10 full double-spaced pages, which is equivalent to two pages in the Congressional Record.

Hard copies of all Congressional Record Inserts must include an original signature by the Member.

No joint statements submitted by two or more Members are permitted.

See Electronic Congressional Record Inserts for instructions on submitting Congressional Record inserts electronically.

Congressional Record inserts can be submitted only on days the House is in session (including days the House is in pro forma session). Inserts must be received within 15 minutes after the House has adjourned and can be delivered to one of the following:

  • Rostrum on the House Floor when the House is in session
  • Democratic or Republican Cloakroom when the House is in session
  • Office of Official Reporters (HT-59, The Capitol) when the House is in session and within 15 minutes after adjournment

Types of Congressional Record Inserts

There are two types of Congressional Record inserts: Extensions of Remarks and General Leave statements.

Extensions of Remarks

Extensions of Remarks are statements unrelated to legislation considered in the House and are placed at the end of legislative business.

Some examples of Extensions of Remarks:

  • honors to living or deceased individuals
  • tributes to organizations   
  • statements regarding introduction of bills    
  • Personal explanations on votes that a Member may have missed

A Member can submit a maximum of 10 Extensions of Remarks per legislative day. 

General Leave Statements

General Leave statements are submitted for specific legislation currently or previously considered in the House, as well as Special Order Speeches.

General Leave statements submitted on the same day legislation is considered will appear at the end of the debate in that day’s Congressional Record.

The House often provides Representatives five legislative days, beginning on the day of consideration, to submit General Leave statements. If a General Leave statement is submitted on a day other than the day the legislation is being considered, such statements will appear in the Extensions of Remarks section. However, those General Leave statements will eventually be moved to general debate on the legislation in the permanent bound version of the Congressional Record.             

General Leave statements, whether submitted the day the legislation is considered or on a subsequent day, should be clearly marked “General Leave” and include the following information:

  • bill or resolution number
  • date the legislation was considered on the House Floor
  • amendment number and amendment sponsor’s name (if applicable)