

We formed this bipartisan caucus in 2015 to support the vital role that the STARBASE youth STEM education program performs for fifth graders across the country. 


The STARBASE program is a Defense Department-led science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education program for fifth graders that provides 25 hours of inquiry-based, hands-on STEM instruction. The technology-rich military environment allows students to experience unique “real-world” applications of STEM skills.  Established in 1993, there are currently 58 programs on a variety of military installations, including Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Army, Army National Guard, and Marine Corps installations.  In 2014, STARBASE programs served 47,512 students from 893 schools in 30 states and Puerto Rico. With an average investment cost of $375 per student, the STARBASE program provides invaluable educational experience and the potential to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.

Evaluations of STARBASE participants show significant gains in interest and ability in math and science, which has led to increased enthusiasm for pursuing further STEM education.  A rigorous study conducted by Wilder Research on STARBASE Minnesota suggests positive long-term impacts on students’ high school graduation rates, college enrollment rates, and future interest in STEM fields.

In addition, STARBASE creates an invaluable bridge between the U.S. Military and local school students. This connection is achieved through strong civilian-military leadership involvement, state-of-the-art STARBASE curriculum and technology, and assured access to military installations.  In fact, many educators and students have developed an awareness and appreciation of the military’s involvement in their communities as a result of participating in STARBASE activities.

The STARBASE program is more important today than ever.  One-third of Defense Department jobs are STEM-related.  However, a lack of American youth that are available and interested in pursuing STEM careers has been identified as a national security issue by Defense Department leadership.  STARBASE is instrumental in helping to inspire and prepare the future workforce needed to support our technology-driven economy.