CBC Healthbraintrust

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Global Health

America’s public health doesn’t begin or end at our borders. Ensuring a healthy global community is vital to the health security of Americans here at home. Evidenced by the 2014 Ebola crisis, our global connectivity allows microbes and diseases to spread more easily than they have in the past.  As such, we need to ensure that the U.S. and developing nations are equipped to handle global health challenges.

Today, developing nations have some of the highest rates of infant mortality and malnourishment, and suffer from disproportionate rates of diseases such as HIV/AIDs, sickle cell anemia, and malaria. The grave human toll of these illnesses is measured in lost generations and the ripple effect of these losses poses a greater international danger.

The CBC Health Braintrust will work to strengthen the health infrastructure of the U.S., our international allies and developing nations by supporting global health literacy and funding efforts, and investing in research that combats global health threats.