Serving You

agency-help Help with a Federal Agency
Learn how our office may be able to help you with veteran benefits, federal student loans, Social Security and Medicare, passport and visa applications, or issues related to immigration, small business loans, and more.
tickets Visiting Washington, DC
Visiting Washington, DC? Request a tour of the U.S. Capitol, the White House, and other DC attractions. 
flag Military and Veteran Resources
Get help with the VA, learn about benefits, apply for an academy nomination, & more.
greetings Business and Consumer Resources
Learn about resources for business owners in Hawai‘i, get help with grants and small business loans, learn about federal and state resources to prevent & report fraud, and more.
Student Resources  Student Resources
Get help with financial aid and learn about the Congressional Art Competition, Congressional internship opportunities, and more.
Emergency Preparedness  Emergency Preparedness
Prepare for hurricanes, tropical storms, flashfloods, and other natural disasters.
military  Military Academy Nominations
Learn about the U.S. Military Academy nominee process and how to apply for a nomination.
Contact Us   Contact Our Office
Contact our Washington, DC or Hawai‘i offices, or get in touch with one of our island representatives.
services  Additional Services and Resources
Get assistance with federal grants, learn about various legislative resources, schedule a tour in Washington, DC, order a flag to fly over the Capitol, and more.

Office Locations