Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

Representing the 1st District of Maine

Constituent Services

Academy Nominations

Each member of Congress, either in the House of Representatives or the Senate, is allowed a total of five appointees in each service academy. For each vacancy, I am allowed to nominate ten individuals. Learn more about the Service Academy Nomination process.

Artistic Discovery

The annual high school art competition that I sponsor in the 1st Congressional District. Learn more about the House of Representatives' nation-wide high school arts competition.

Business Assistance

Learn more about assistance for businesses (especially small businesses) in Maine.

Congressional Commendations

As a service to my constituents, my office can provide acknowledgement of special events. Request a congressional commendation.

Federal Agencies—Getting Help

If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, my office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need. While we cannot guarantee you a favorable outcome, we will do our best to help you receive a fair and timely response to your problem. Contact my office for assistance in dealing with Federal agencies.

Federal Business Opportunities

Information that provides guidance and online procurement procedures for doing business with the federal government. Learn about the procurement procedures for doing business with the federal government.

Flying Flag Over Capitol

Purchase a U.S. flag through my office. There is no limit on the number of flags you may order. You may also request that your new flag be flown over the Capitol. Flags may be flown for a particular person, event, or organization, and may be flown on a specific date. A certificate of recognition is included with each flag.

Foreclosure Assistance

There are a number of resources out there for families who are having trouble paying the mortgage or facing foreclosure.  Learn more about refinancing programs, foreclosure counselors, tips for talking to the banks, and more. 

Government Resources

An informational page listing the other government Web sites in one convenient place.


There are thousands of federal grant programs that your organization might be eligible for and I am often asked about what is available. Learn about the available resources to help eligible grantseekers find information on federal grants, loans, and nonfinancial assistance for projects, as well as on private funding.

Immigration & Visas for Foreign Citizens

My office works with hundreds of constituents each year who want to bring family members to live in the United States, or bring family, friends or business colleagues here on a temporary basis.


I run an internship program accepting college students interested in learning about the operations of a congressional office. In addition to general office support, interns assist my staff with constituent services, Capitol tours, and light research. Interns are also encouraged to attend hearings, lectures, and seminars available in Congress and around the Hill.


Resources for district residents who are seeking employment.

Presidential Greetings

District Residents can request to receive a greeting from the President of the United States. Request a Presidential Greeting.

Student Financial Aid

Learn about the process of locating and applying for financial aid.


For those constituents visiting the Washington D.C. area, I am pleased to offer this information on local tours and points of interest. My office can also help you make arrangements for some of the more popular Federal attractions in our Nation's Capital.