Revolutionary ideas often come from unexpected directions. Many concepts and tools central to understanding and improving health have come from basic, untargeted research. NIH not only supports these basic advances but also conducts the clinical and translational research that transforms discoveries into medical practice. Download the full brochure

Colored scanning electron micrograph of a lung cancer cell during cell division.

Chronic Diseases

Nearly half of all Americans have a chronic medical condition. NIH research makes significant strides toward treating and preventing these long-term illnesses.

An American health worker preparing to give a African boy an injection.

Infectious Diseases

NIH research in infectious disease has led to new therapies, vaccines, and diagnostic tests that have improved the lives of millions of people worldwide.

These colored bands on a computer screen represent the various building blocks of DNA that make up just a small portion of the human genome.

Personalized Medicine & New Technologies

NIH researchers are developing and using innovative tools that help to identify disease, alleviate suffering, and prevent illness.

Three older women take a photo of themselves on a park bench.

Health at All Ages

NIH research addresses the health and well-being of people at all stages of life, from newborns to older years.