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How We Handle Your Info

The FTC cannot resolve individual complaints, but we can provide information about what next steps to take.

How much information you give us is up to you. We share your report with local, state, federal, and foreign law enforcement partners. Your report might be used to investigate cases or in a legal proceeding. If we need to know more about your report, it helps us to have your contact information. Please read our Privacy Policy to learn how we protect your personal information, and when we share it outside the FTC.

Do Not Call Registry

The National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to receive telemarketing calls at home. Most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. If they do, you can file a complaint at

Report International Scams is where you can report international scams and learn about other steps you can take to combat fraud. Your complaints help consumer protection agencies around the world spot trends and work together to prevent international scams.